Yutaka Kikutake Gallery
2024/11/2 Sat. ~ 2024/12/21 Sat.
We are pleased to announce that group exhibitions titled "Whispers in the Wholeness"
curated by Yoshitomo Nara in Yutaka Kikutake Gallery Kyobashi from Saturday, November 2nd to Saturday, December 21st. This exhibition works from 4 other artists he met during his recent travels to Hokkaido. Serving as a conduit to the spirituality residing in the natural world, this exhibition will reveal the noble pursuit of timeless, universal forms within the space of the gallery. In this way, this exhibition is a fitting guidepost for the long-term vision of the gallery. We look forward to welcoming you to the show.
2024/11/2 Sat.~2024/12/21 Sat.
Sundays, Mondays and public holidays
Yutaka Kikutake Gallery